Together, we prioritize designing the right approach for our client’s specific projects, concerns, and disputes and promoting early dispute settlement where possible.
Since 2008, 17% of foreign companies in the nuclear energy business in China benefited from our expertise and could compete in the market.

Our group has a dedicated team specializing in HAF604 certification (regulation concerning Imported Civilian Nuclear Safety-related Equipment) and HAF 601 (regulations on the Supervision and Management of Design, Manufacture, Installation, and Nondestructive Testing of Civil Nuclear Safety Equipment).
The National Nuclear Safety Authority announced the supervision and management of imported safety-related nuclear equipment (HAF604) from the Ministry of Environmental Protection in China (MEPC) on January 1st, 2008. It requires foreign corporations to register with the NNSA. Foreign companies, which do not get the HAF604 certification, cannot participate in any bidding in China.
In Turkey, since 2015, the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (Türkiye Atom Enerjisi Kurumu – TAEK), then the Nuclear Regulatory Agency (Nükleer Düzenleme Kurumu – NDK) enforced the Regulation Regarding Equipment Procurement Process and Approval of Manufacturers for Nuclear Facilities.
What We Do
Present a complete strategy for registration, translate every document, and adjust the application according to the safety authority’s requirements
Analysis & Clarification
Communicate regularly with the regulators and technical support units in charge of the application’s supervision and review during the application review process
Onsite Inspection
Our engineers assist quality control managers in answering all inquiries during the visit, particularly for HAF 601 and regulation 29369
Administrative Support
Our team connects with the buyer and the authority for smooth operation for a special import permit
Present a complete strategy for registration, translate every document, and adjust the application according to the safety authority’s requirements
Analysis and Clarification
Communicate regularly with the regulators and technical support units in charge of the application’s supervision and review during the application review process
Onsite Inspection
Our engineers assist quality control managers in answering all inquiries during the visit, particularly for HAF 601 and regulation 29369
Administrative Support
Our team connects with the buyer and the authority for smooth operation for a special import permit
Our mission is to promote peace in business relationships by bridging the gap between the emerging industry in China, the Middle East, and Western Asia and the international dispute resolution community and providing affordable access to practical dispute resolution tools.
Dynatom partners with the advisory firm Loubier Law Office, specializing in bridging the gap between the local and the international business community by designing fast, cost-effective, and lasting solutions to cross-border business disputes. For this purpose, Loubier Law Office provides strategic advice and practical assistance in preventing, managing, and resolving cross-cultural commercial disputes, focusing on international arbitration. The firm operates in Foreign Investment Law, Mergers and Acquisitions, Intellectual Property Law, Labor Law, Real Estate Law, and legal matters related to international trade, including customs, legal and administrative matters.